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Finding The Right Help At The Right Time With Zinger

Professional help is a resource that can be easily found in almost any town and city, but accessibility problems are there for people no matter what. Zinger app’s model of operation revolves around creating a network of trusted professionals who can offer their services and consulting to clients at a moment’s notice. Now, the network is made of people who are experts in their own fields. On the flip side, these experts are also able to bank on the mobility and speed offered by the app to conduct their business, reduce their overhead and explore new markets from the comfort of their office. The next big question is – how does this all work?

The answer is rather simple if you understand how social networks operate on the web. Instead of myriads of people opening up their profiles on a social media network, on Zinger, professionals have their verified and authenticated profiles. Say you need an accountant to take care of your taxes or go through your revenue statements. The normal way would be to lookup services available online or in yellow pages. However, how do you know that a particular listing would be apt for you or is verified? How soon would you be able to get an appointment for the task at hand? How would you be able to convey the details of your problem or task in advance, so the consultant can be ready in providing the best solution for you? Now, this becomes kind of meticulous, doesn’t it?

Be it healthcare, financial issues, business needs, legal advisory or any other such professional service, you can rest assured. By becoming a part of the Zinger app, you are immediately linked to a host of professionals who are onboard the platform. As a professional who can offer such services, you can also become part of this network. Anyone who wants to avail any kind of consultation or service listed on the app can register within two minutes. Inside the app, you can view the listed professionals under a tab, along with their offered services and fees. The app also shows their areas of speciality, availability and if they are online at the moment.

Once you find a professional who fits your requirements, you can request an appointment with them. If the appointment is possible, the user needs to pay for the service using a coupon. Once the appointment is confirmed, the user can provide additional details that can help the professional be better informed of the situation. Once the appointment and/or consultation is done, a detailed discharge document is released with information regarding the services delivered, any follow up if required and other necessary items that might be needed by the user.

The innovative way of operation of this app removes a lot of redundancies. Since professionals are listed with details of location coverage, availability and online reach, users save a lot of time that might have been wasted in search. Fees and charges are listed clearly, so no ambiguity is involved in the process. The app charges a bit of commission for the convenience and aggregation service it provides and that is quite minimal compared to the ease of use it provides.

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