When You purchase a new computer, it create a lot of confusion about technical decisions like Size, RAM, processor, harddisk. With the increasing of technology, computer play an important place in every field of life. Now these days , Computers are too much expensive and available in a number of ranges. It depend on your work, for which purpose you want to purchase the computer. Purchase computer according to your budget is better decision.
Computers are available in a number of varities. If you want to use your computer for office work only, then for efficiency and reliability purchase multitasking computer. If you want to use it for entertainment or school use then purchase mid range computer. Purchase gaming personal computer, If you want to use your computer for playing latest games. Gaming computer is little costly because in this computer you need the large screen and powerful graphics cards and sound quality. When you work on heavy duty software then you need performance pc. In this computer powerful CPU, large and fast hard drive is used. For 3D design, logos and websites, you will choose latest processor and decent graphics cards.
Now if you think about the size of a desktop computer, for everyday works like email send or status update, 14 or 15 inch screen is better selection. For slideshows and playing games, select 17 inch screen. If you want to buy 19 inch screen or more then select lcd monitor. Now touch screen display is also available. In this display, all commands are easily executed so there is no need for a mouse or keyboard, while you simply touch on the screen. Window 8 is the latest updated microsoft’s verson. Desktops computers are cheaper then leptop and its hardware is also better but these does not need to be portable.
Different purpose computers are based on different size of RAM, Hard disk and processor, video card, cd/dvd, speakers, bluetooth and various plug ports. Before purchasing the computer, check whether all entire system is working accurately. There is a simple way to take technical decision to get the best PC for your needs. With basic applications, you also think about the type of system like netbook, tab, leptop or desktop.
Netbooks are available small in size screen like 10 to 12 inches and it is useful for saving battery life. The battery life of notebooks are 4 to 8 hours and laptop battery life is 3 hours. Laptops has powerful screen, heavier in weight and more bulkier as compare to notebooks. Before assembled or buying computer, choose all components like- how much RAM will be needed, which processor and hard disk should be needed.
WDJH says
Computers are very important for our professional as well as for our personal life. Some people think that computer are used only working purpose but no you can use this for personal also as by this you can watch latest movies and can use it as a mode of entertainment where you can play video games and lots more.